satellite television|satellite

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satellite television|satellite

  1. akatemia, korkeakoulu, taideakatemia, tiedeakatemia.

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apuri neutral; kätyri evil or derogatory


vasallivaltio country; nukkehallitus government; sivutoimisto, haarakonttori office; sivurakennus building; sivu|alt=sivu-, ala-

satelliitti, tekokuu

satelliittitelkkari A moon or other smaller body orbiting a larger one. (defdate)

The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth.

A spent upper stage is a derelict satellite.

A man-made apparatus designed to be placed in orbit around a celestial body, generally to relay information, data etc. to Earth. (defdate)

Many telecommunication satellites orbit at 36000km above the equator.

A country, state, office, building etc. which is under the jurisdiction, influence, or domination of another body. (defdate)
puhekieltä An attendant on an important person; a member of someone's retinue, often in a somewhat derogatory sense; a henchman. (defdate)
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), II.3:
We read in the Bible, that Nicanor the persecutor of Gods Law(..)sent his Satellites to apprehend the good old man Rasias(nb..).
1826, (w), (w), p.348:
(..)he would nevertheless have a better bargain of this tall satellite if they settled the debate betwixt them in the forest(nb..). Betwixt anxiety, therefore, vexation, and anger, Charles faced suddenly round on his pursuer(nb..).
1948, Willard E. Hawkins, The Technique of Fiction: A Basic Course in Story Writing, p.169:
The unnamed chronicler in his Dupin stories was the first Dr. Watson type of satellite—a narrator who accompanies the detective on his exploits, exclaims over his brilliance(nb..).
puhekieltä Satellite TV; reception of television broadcasts via services that utilize man-made satellite technology. (defdate)

Do you have satellite at your house?

puhekieltä A grammatical construct that takes various forms and may encode a path of movement, a change of state, or the grammatical aspect. Examples: "a bird flew past"; "she turned on the light".
(l) (moon or other celestial body)
(l) (man-made apparatus)
(l), from or relating to a satellite (man-made apparatus)
2013, Jean-Noël Marien, Émilien Dubiez, Dominique Louppe, Adélaïde Larzillière, Quand la ville mange la forêt: les défis du bois-énergie en Afrique centrale, page 45, ISBN 2759219801
Le couvert végétal du basin d’approvisionnement en bois-énergie de la ville de Kinshasa a été cartographié par images satellites
(inflection of)
puhekieltä a guard or watchman
puhekieltä (l)


"Kuinkahan julmia hunneista olisi tullut, jos he olisivat saaneet katsella television väkivaltaohjelmia."


satellite television|satellite rimmaa näiden kanssa:

selite, työselite, tulite, ilotulite, ylite

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